Introduction to the Phylum Arthropoda. Importance of Insects. The success of the Class Insecta. General structure of insects with details of the various body appendages/parts. Discussion on the maintenance systems including digestion, circulation, respiration, locomotion, as well as reproduction and life cycles. The central nervous system and the associated sense organs. Response of insects to different factors in the environment. Classification, nomenclature and identification of insects. Introduction to the Phylum Nematoda: historical and current perspectives; morphology, biology of nematodes; Nematode classification and Nomenclature; Nematode techniques, Importance of nematodes
· To provide undergraduate students of BSc. Agriculture, BSc Food Science and Technology, and BSc. Horticulture with the basic knowledge and skills about the anatomy and physiology of insects and nematodes as a foundation for a better understanding of agricultural pests and hence their management.· To enable the students to relate insect body parts to function and to crop damage· To provide the students with the skills to differentiate between different insect groups· To show the students the multiple roles of insects in the environment