Landuse and Planning

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Course Code: 
SSL 3202
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Definition of land use planning. Key terms in land use planning,              Nature and scope of planningLand use types. Definition of a planning cycle. Introduction to planning cycle procedures. Contents of planning cycle procedures. Challenges in Application of a planning cycle. Methodologies in land use planning. Land use policy and land use planning. Land quality attributes for land use planning. Tools for land use mapping. Contents of  Urban planning act and the Land act. Introduction to GIS application in land use planning. A practical in land use mapping using GIS.  Challenges of land use planning in a developing world. Introduction to land use policy. Land use policy and land use planning. Contents of land use plans.              Principles in land use mapping, Formulation of farm-land plans, Case studies in farmland planning. Village/Urban characterisation for land use planning.

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