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Course Listings
Course Titlesort descending Program Code CI TT CV
Aerosols Physics PHY 7258
Aesthetics Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) PHI 3105
Africa in German Texts Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) GRA 3234
Africa in Regional and Global Security Master of Arts In International Relations and Diplomatic Studies IR 719
African Church History Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) RSD 3204
African Cinema Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) LIT 3105 X O L
African Civilizations Bachelor of Archaeology and Heritage Studies AHS 2102
African Cultures and Law Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences SAP 3201
African Diplomacy Master of Arts In International Relations and Diplomatic Studies IR 712
African Drama Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) LIT 2207
African Family Studies/Sociology of the Family Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences SOC 2123 X O L
African in International Relations Master of Arts In International Relations and Diplomatic Studies IR 706
African Indigenous Ethical Systems Bachelor of Ethics and Human Rights EHR 2104 X O L
African Languages and the Media Master Of Education In Language And Literature ALM 7206
African Philosophy Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) PHI 2201
African Poetry Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) LIT 3205
African poetry and the contemporary experience Master of Arts In Literature LIT 7103 X O L
AFRICAN POLITICAL THOUGHT Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences POS 2218
AFRICAN POLITICAL THOUGHT Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences POS 2218
African Theatre Bachelor Of Arts (Drama) DRM 2101
African Theatre Bachelor Of Arts (Drama) DRM 2101
African Theatre and Drama Master Of Education In Language And Literature ALM 7208
African Traditional Justice Systems and Human Rights Bachelor of Ethics and Human Rights EHR 2202
African Traditional Religions Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) SAN 2205
African True Religion (ATR) Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) RSD 2101
Agibusiness operation research ABM ABM 3103 X O
Agrarian Reform and Rural Transformation Bachelor Of Development Studies DES 3102
Agrarian Reform and Rural Transformation Bachelor Of Development Studies DES 3102
AGRIBUSINESS ACCOUNTING Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management ABM 2202
Agribusiness Environment Analysis Master Of Agribusiness Management ABM 7205
AGRIBUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND POLICY Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management ABM 3203
AGRIBUSINESS FINANCE Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management ABM 3204
AGRIBUSINESS FINANCE Bachelor Of Science In Horticulture ABM 3204
AGRIBUSINESS OPERATIONS RESEARCH Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management ABM 3103 X L
AGRIBUSINESS PRICE ANALYSIS Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management ABM 3101 X L

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