Beef Production and Range Management

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Course Code: 
ANS 3205
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Principles and practices of beef cattle management; routine management of beef cattle, effects of environment on productivity of beef cattle, Applied Beef cattle nutrition; principal nutrition requirements of different classes of beef cattle, voluntary intake and factors controlling it, grazing management of beef cattle with emphasis on grass/legume swards, feedlot feeding systems, agro-forestry systems specific for rangelands/pastoral systems, Breeding control; implanting, pasture breeding, bull selection, pedigree bulls, Beef cattle animal health management and welfare; guidelines in control of animal diseases, role of quarantine, disease free zones, zoonotic diseases and diseases of economic importance Beef industry in Uganda; cattle population dynamics in Uganda and Herd compositions, meat production and off-take, breed descriptions and distribution, production systems with emphasis on commercial systems, factors affecting beef quantity and quality production Beef cattle ranch enterprise economics; capital investments; variable costs, revenue, profitability analysis Rangeland environment management, rangeland vegetation dynamics, ecology of rangelands in relation to livestock-plant-environment interactions; rangeland degradation: remedies to restore/improve deteriorating rangelands, Livestock management in rangelands; Water management and conservation in the rangelands/ranches, Soil management and conservation in rangelands; Causes of soil degradation in rangelands, soil legislation aimed at soil management and conservation, limitations that affect land use and soil management, soil management practices and conservation measures, Rangeland resource inventory and monitoring

Learning Outcomes: 
  1. Have a better appreciation of the importance and value of beef production in the economy of the world
  2. Be able to critique different beef production systems and recommend suitable ones depending on locality and resources.
  3. Be able to plan, manage and advise on rangeland restoration techniques in order to improve the productivity of the system
  4. Be able undertake routine management practices of beef production in rangeland environment
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