Integrated Wate Resources Management

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Integrated Wate Resources Management
Course Venue:

Computer Laboratory A

Forestry and Natural Conservation
College of Natural Sciences
Course Code: 
ENR 3205
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

The course introduces students to Water Resources Management. The course considers practical management of water resources within the context of resource use, conservation and environmental protection. The various water sources (groundwater, surface water) and their uses, the water cycle and controlling factors (e.g. climate and hydrology, human activities); water resources law and regulation, resource protection, abstraction management, resources planning, catchment management and water resource development are all discussed. Water resources determinations and data acquisition for water resources management is introduced and discussed. The concepts, the principles and tools for IWRM are introduced. The course is taught to ensure the awareness and competencies in methodology for consideration of the specific issues involved in water resources management.

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