Course Code: 
ANS 2201
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Introduction: Livestock production systems in Eastern Africa, contribution of livestock industry to the economy; Principles of sustainable livestock management (feeds/feeding, breeds/breeding, animal health and livestock economics); Livestock facilities – housing / farm structures and handling facilities. General livestock routine management procedures: Livestock identification; Livestock records and records keeping; Ageing livestock; Weight determination; Control of parasites – Dipping, sprays, fences foot bath and foot rot treatment e.t.c.; Procedures with diseased or dead animals; Foreign bodies in the digestive tract (Hardware disease); Bloat; Gestation lengths. Dairy cattle management: importance of dairy farming; calf management; heifer management and cow / milk management. Beef cattle management. Range management. Pig management. Sheep and goat management. Rabbit management. Management of traction animals.  Artificial insemination. Hides and skins.

Learning Outcomes: 

The overall objective of this course is to present an overview, discussion and practical skills to students that will model them into professionals that will provide technical expertise in a range of appropriate skills and techniques needed by those who manage livestock in an efficient way that increases economic return and reduces risk to producers of different operational sizes and enhances environmental quality. The specific objectives are to:i)                     provide the students with technical skills (hands-on) and theoretical background about livestock management procedures;ii)                   equip students with competences for delivery of services to practitioners engaged in livestock management and for those actively working in production of livestock ,iii)                  equip students with knowledge and skills of assessing economic and environmental issues affecting sustainable livestock farming.

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