Introductory Livestock Management

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Course Code: 
ANS 2201
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Introduction: Livestock production systems in Eastern Africa, contribution of livestock industry to the economy; Principles of sustainable livestock management (feeds/feeding, breeds/breeding, animal health and livestock economics); Livestock facilities – housing / farm structures and handling facilities. General livestock routine management procedures: Livestock identification; Livestock records and records keeping; Ageing livestock; Weight determination; Control of parasites – Dipping, sprays, fences foot bath and foot rot treatment e.t.c.; Procedures with diseased or dead animals; Foreign bodies in the digestive tract (Hardware disease); Bloat; Gestation lengths. Dairy cattle management: importance of dairy farming; calf management; heifer management and cow / milk management. Beef cattle management. Range management. Pig management. Sheep and goat management. Rabbit management. Management of traction animals.  Artificial insemination. Hides and skins.

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