Supervised Experiential Learning Projects (SELPS II)/ Field Attachment II

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Supervised Experiential Learning Projects (SELPS II)/ Field Attachment II
Course Code: 
ARI 2301
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 3 (Recess)
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

At the end of their second year of study, students will undertake a second field attachment for a period of 10 weeks lasting the entire recess term of the University calendar. During this time students will conduct action research by implementing the extension objectives arrived at during their first field attachment and draw lessons for improving extension practice.Objectives:

  • To equip the students with knowledge and skills needed for conducting and reporting scientific research, in the field of Agricultural and rural development. The course aims at guiding the students to develop local and critical thinking as well as analytical capabilities in action research. 


Learning Outcomes: 

By the end of this course, the students should be able to:

  • Acquire competences in action research, using their field experiences
  • Analyze, critic and synthesize their work in a logical report format
  • Conduct an independent scientific investigation, analyze, interpret and report the results
Supervised Experiential Learning Projects
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