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Course Listings
Course Titlesort descending Program Code CI TT CV
Research Methods Bachelor of Ethics and Human Rights EHR 2201
Research Methods Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 1201
Research Methods Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering TEC4101 X
RESEARCH METHODS Bachelor Of Science In Biotechnology BBT 2401
Research Methods Bachelor of Community Pyschology PSY 2212
RESEARCH METHODS Bachelor Of Library & Information Science BLS 3123
RESEARCH METHODS Bachelor of Records and Archives Management BRM 2105
Research Methods Bachelor Of Secretarial Studies SES 3113
Research Methods Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) LWA 3116
Research Methods Bachelor Of Arts In Environmental Management RMH 2101
Research Methods Master Of Science In Food Science And Technology AEC 7201
Research Methods Master Of Agribusiness Management AEC 7201
Research Methods Master in Public Structure Management PIM 7204
RESEARCH METHODS Master Of Business Administration MBS 7103
Research Methods Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) RNA 3101
Research Methods Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) RSD 2102
Research Methods Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) SAN 3102
Research Methods Master of Arts In Literature LIT 7101 X O L
RESEARCH METHODS Master of Pubic Health Disaster Management MPH 7203
Research Methods Master of Science in Physics PHY 7109 O
Research Methods Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) KSA 3111 X O L
Research Methods Master Of Science In Soil Science AEC 7201
RESEARCH METHODS Bachelor of Arts with Communication Skills CSK 3102
RESEARCH METHODS Bachelor of Arts with Communication Skills CSK 3102
Research Methods & Communication Skills Bachelor Of Biomedical Laboratory Technology BLT 2205
Research Methods (Core) Bachelor Of Arts In Environmental Management RMH 2201
Research Methods (course not currently active) LIT 2102
Research Methods and Biometry Master of Science In Molecular Biology And Biotechnology MBS 7214
Research Methods and Computer Applications in Meteorology Postgraduate Diploma In Meteorology GMR 6106
Research Methods and Computer Applications in Meteorology Postgraduate Diploma In Meteorology GMR 6106
RESEARCH METHODS AND DATA MANAGEMENT Bachelor Of Science With Education BIO 2202
Research Methods And Statistics Bachelor Of Environmental Science ENR 2201 X L
Research Methods and Statistics Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics LEC 3204 X O L
Research Methods and Statistics Bachelor of Science in Construction Management CMG 2203 X O L

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