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Course Listings
Course Titlesort descending Program Code CI TT CV
Requirements Engineering Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Science MCS 7109
Requirements Engineering Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering BSE3103 X L
Research and Dissertation Master of Science In Molecular Biology And Biotechnology MBS 7412
RESEARCH AND DISSERTATION Master of Arts In Educational Policy And Planning EDU 7302
Research And Project Report Master Of Science In Technology Innovation And Industrial Technology TID 8201
Research and research project Bachelor Of Science In Dental Technology DLT 3113
Research by Design Project Master Of Architecture ARC 8203
Research by Design Project Master Of Architecture ARC 8203
Research by Dissertation Master Of Architecture ARC8100
RESEARCH DATA ANALYSIS Bachelor of Records and Archives Management BRM 2205 X O L
Research Dissertation Master Of Medicine in Paediatrics & Child Health MMP 8502
Research Ethics Post Graduate Diploma In Environmental Impact Assessment EIA 632
Research Ethics Post Graduate Diploma In Environmental Impact Assessment EIA 632
Research Ethics And Methods Masters of Science in Biochemistry MBC 7301
Research Management Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences SOC 2211
Research Method Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences ELS 3119
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Executive Master of Business Admnistration EMB 8101
Research Methodology Bachelor Of Information Technology BIT 1205 / BIT 2207 X L
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Bachelor Of Commerce External COX 3221
Research Methodology Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science CSC 1204
Research Methodology Post Graduate Diploma Data Communications & Software Eng. MIT 7116
Research Methodology Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering BSE 1205 X L
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Bachelor Of Industrial And Organisational Psychology PSY 2201
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN Bachelor Of Business Administration BAM 2202
Research Methodology and Information Master Of Science In Wildlife Health And Management WHM 7105
Research Methodology and Scientific Writing Master of Science In Urban Planning and Design UPD 7201 X O L
Research Methodology and Scientific Writing Post Graduate Diploma in Construction Project Management UPD 7201 X O L
Research Methodology And Scientific Writing Master in Public Structure Management ARC 7103
Research Methodology and Scientific Writing Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Design UPD 7201 X O L
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY II Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences SOC 2101
Research Methods Master Of Science In Clinical Epid. & Biostatistics CEB 7104
Research Methods Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy ERM 2101
RESEARCH METHODS Bachelor of Science in Conservation Forestry and Products Technology CFE 2104
RESEARCH METHODS Bachelor Of Environmental Health Science EHS 2112
Research Methods Bachelor Of Tourism RHM 2201
Research Methods Bachelor Of Tourism RHM 2201

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