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Courses include a description and a summary of the objectives or expected learning outcomes, Course Codes, Credit units and much more. Students should read the complete description of a course because its summary eliminates essential information. Below you can browse courses by their titles

You can use the Course Title (selected by default), Course Code, Credit Units or Level of Study (Graduate or Undergraduate) to arrange the displayed information in ascending or descending order.

(11) | (64) | A (466) | B (182) | C (477) | D (172) | E (377) | F (249) | G (143) | H (173) | I (481) | J (10) | K (38) | L (178) | M (206) | N (79) | O (87) | P (509) | Q (35) | R (284) | S (379) | T (241) | U (36) | V (23) | W (71) | X (1) | Y (1) | Z (1)
Course Title Course Code Credit Units Levelsort descending Program CI TT CV
Computer Games Development CMP3103 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering
Computer Based Medical Systems CMP3104 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Science and Computer Engineering
Computer Networks CMP2205 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering X o L
Chamber/Ensemble Music MUS 2211 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)
Computer Architecture and Organization CMP1203 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering X o L
Computer Programming Fundamentals CMP1201 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Science and Computer Engineering X o L
Classical Guitar For Beginners MUS 1112 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)
Computer Engineering Ethics CMP1102 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering X L
Contemporary Guitar for Beginners MUS 1115 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)
Choir Performance MUS 1119 2 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)
Communication skills BCP 1104 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Community Pyschology X o L
Child Abuse and Neglect BCP 2108 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Community Pyschology
Child hood Disorders BCP 2110 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Community Pyschology
Conflict Resolution BCP 2208 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Community Pyschology
Community Based Intervention BCP 3207 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Community Pyschology
Creating and Performing Rap Music MUS 2213 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)
Communications Technology and Internet BIT 1102 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
Counseling Psychology PSY 2207 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Community Pyschology
Community Music Sessions MUS 3113 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)
Choir Music Project MUS 3211 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)
Community Music Project MUS 3213 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)
CONFLICT AND NEGOTIATION MANAGEMENT IOP 2201 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Organisational Psychology
CROSS CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY IOP 2204 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Organisational Psychology
CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IOP 3105 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Organisational Psychology X L
Contemporary Philosophy PHI 3101 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) X o L
Critical Thinking PHI 3102 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) X o L
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY PSY 1202 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Organisational Psychology
Contemporary African Philosophy PHI 3203 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) X o L
Computer Architecture BSE2104 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Software Engineering
COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT JCO 3103 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Journalism and Communication X o L
COMMUNICATION POLICY, LAW AND REGULATION JCO 3202 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Journalism and Communication
Computer Networks & Data Communication BSE 2203 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering X L
Criminal Behavior and Social Control CRI2100 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences X o L
Crime Control Theories and Policies CRI 2200 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences
Criminal Justice Policy CRI 3100 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences X o L
Criminal Investigation CRI 2202 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences


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