Courses Catalogue

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Courses include a description and a summary of the objectives or expected learning outcomes, Course Codes, Credit units and much more. Students should read the complete description of a course because its summary eliminates essential information. Below you can browse courses by their titles

You can use the Course Title (selected by default), Course Code, Credit Units or Level of Study (Graduate or Undergraduate) to arrange the displayed information in ascending or descending order.

(11) | (64) | A (466) | B (182) | C (477) | D (172) | E (377) | F (249) | G (143) | H (173) | I (481) | J (10) | K (38) | L (178) | M (206) | N (79) | O (87) | P (509) | Q (35) | R (284) | S (379) | T (241) | U (36) | V (23) | W (71) | X (1) | Y (1) | Z (1)
Course Title Course Codesort descending Credit Units Level Program CI TT CV
ADVANCED PLANT MICROBIOLOGY CRS 7114 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Soil Science X
Advanced MolecularBiology and Gentics CRS 7118 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Soil Science X
Advanced Plant Virology CRS 7201 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Advanced Disease Management CRS 7202 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Agronomy of Grasslands CRS 7205 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science
Applied Plant Nematology CRS 7208 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Advanced Plant Physiology CRS 7211 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Advances in Molecular Genetics and Functional Genomics CRS 7216 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Artificial Intelligence CSC 2114 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science X L
Automata, Complexity and Computability CSC 2210 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science X o L
AdvancedProgramming CSC 3115 3 Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science
Anatomy and function of the Brain, nervous tissues and Endocrine system. CYT 1103 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science in Cytotechnology
Anatomy and physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract CYT 1201 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science in Cytotechnology
Anatomy and physiology of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory System CYT 1203 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science in Cytotechnology
Alternative Development Strategies DES 2107 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Development Studies
Agrarian Reform and Rural Transformation DES 3102 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Development Studies
Agrarian Reform and Rural Transformation DES 3102 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Development Studies
Anatomy II DLH 1201 2 Undergradu... Diploma In Livestock Health Sciences
Anatomy III DLH 2101 2 Undergradu... Diploma In Livestock Health Sciences
Anatomy IV DLH 2201 2 Undergradu... Diploma In Livestock Health Sciences
Applied Microbiology DLQ 3203 2 Undergradu... Diploma In Livestock Health Sciences
Applied Dental Materials DLT 1112 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Dental Technology
Applied Dental Materials II DLT 1212 5 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Dental Technology
Advanced Dental Technology Studies DLT 3213 5 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Dental Technology
Advanced Dental Technology Studies DLT 3213 5 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Dental Technology
Applications of Theatre DRM 1204 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Drama)
Applications of Theatre DRM 1204 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Drama)
African Theatre DRM 2101 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Drama)
African Theatre DRM 2101 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Drama)
Anatomy EAN 1101 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy
ADVANCED STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS EDF 7201 3 Graduate L... Master of Education in Educational Foundations
ADVANCED STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS EDF 7201 2 Graduate L... Master of Education in Curriculum Studies
AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION EDUCATION PRACTICAL SKILLS EEE 1301 2 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
Agricultural Communication EEE 4102 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture X o
AGRICULTURAL COMMUNICATION EEE 4102 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science in Food Science & Technology X

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