Introduces students to (human) communication theories and communication models and analyses the communication process; including audience analysis, and message design. Examines extension/communication methods; nature and classification and selection and use of appropriate methods in implementing extension programmes. Overview of (audio-) visual aids their role and use in extension work, including practical training on producing good visual aids.
Overall objective: To enable students understand communication and education as essential dimensions of extension work and build their capacity to facilitate extension teaching/learning events in different extension situations Specific objectives: By the end of this course students should be able to: • Understand the concept of (human) communication and the communication process • Understand the link between communication and education (teaching/learning) as fundamental and interlinked dimensions of extension work • Design and deliver effective extension messages to relevant extension audiences • Apply relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes in selecting and using appropriate extension/ communication methods and/ or techniques and devices. • Understand the role of visual aids in extension teaching/learning situations