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Course Listings
Course Titlesort descending Program Code CI TT CV
Voice and laryngectomy Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy SLT 2205
Voice and laryngectomy Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy SLT 2205
Voice for Beginners Bachelor Of Arts (Music) MUS 1113
VOLUNTARY SECTOR AND SERVICE DELIVERY Bachelor of Social Work and Social Admnistration SOA 3225
Wages and Salary Administration Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences OGS 3106
WAREHOUSING & INVENTORY MANAGEMENT (Procurement Option) Bachelor Of Business Administration PRO 2203
Waste Management Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management ENV 2204
Waste Management Bachelor Of Science in Agricultural Land Use & Management SSL 3209
Wastewater treatment and reuse Master of Science In Civil Engineering CIV 7118 X O L
Water and Sanitation Management Master in Public Structure Management PIM 8102 X
Water Quality and Instrumentation Bachelor Of Science in Geological Resourse Management GRM 3203
Water Quality Management Master of Science In Civil Engineering CIV 7264 X O L
Water Resource Management Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management ENV 3106
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Engineering AEN 3204
Water Resources Management Master of Science In Civil Engineering CIV 7113 X O L
Watercolor Painting II Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 2111
Watercolor Painting III Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 2210
Watercolour Painting I Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 1205
Wave Optics Bachelor Of Science PHY 2113 X O
Waves and Optics Bachelor Of Science With Education PHY2206
Waves and Optics Bachelor of Science in Physics PHY2206
Weather Forecasting Principles I Bachelor of Science in Meteorology MET 2202
Weather Forecasting Principles II Bachelor of Science in Meteorology MET 3202
Web based Information Systems and Web Mining Technology Master of Information Technology MIT 8118
Web Design and Usability Post Graduate Diploma In Information Technolgy MIT 7217 X L
WEB DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Bachelor Of Library & Information Science BLS3122
Web Systems and Technologies I Bachelor Of Information Technology BIT 2107 X L
Web Systems and Technologies II Bachelor Of Information Technology BIT 3105 X L
WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNET TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Records and Archives Management BLS 3121
Weed Management Systems Master Of Science In Soil Science CRS 7119 X
WEED SCIENCE Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture CRS 2216 X
Well Construction and Monitoring Bachelor Of Science in Geological Resourse Management GRM 3101
Well Logging 3 Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production PGP 3105
Western Art: Baroque through Rococo Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 2105
Western Art: Neo-Classicism To Present And East Africa Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 3103
WetLands Ecology and Management Bachelor Of Environmental Science ENR 3204 X L

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