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Course Listings
Course Titlesort descending Program Code CI TT CV
INTRODUCTION TO JOURNALISM Bachelor of Journalism and Communication JCO 1101 X O L
Introduction to Journalism, Media and Communication Post Graduate Diploma In Environmental Journalism & Communication GEJC 6101
Introduction to Kiswahili & Applied Language Skills I Bachelor Of Secretarial Studies SES 1111
Introduction To Kiswahili For Specific Purposes Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) KSB 2103 X O L
Introduction To Kiswahili Literature Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) KSA 1204
Introduction To Kiswahili Structure Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) KSA 1103 X O L
Introduction to Linguistics Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy SLT 1204
Introduction to Literary Criticism and 20th Century Literature in German Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) GRA 1204
Introduction to Literary Stylistics Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) LIT 1202
Introduction to Literary Translation Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) GRA 3231
Introduction to Literature I Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) LIT 1101 X O L
Introduction to Literature II Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) LIT1201
Introduction to Logic Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) PHI 1201
Introduction to management information systems ABM ABM 3106 X O
Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology Bachelor Of Science (Mathematics) MTH 3207
Introduction To Microbiology And Biotechnology Bachelor of Science in Zoology ZOO 2205
Introduction to Music Performance Diploma In Music Dance And Drama MDD 1107
Introduction to Natural Hazards Bachelor Of Science in Geological Resourse Management GRM 2101
Introduction To Oil Painting Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 1214
INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY Bachelor Of Industrial And Organisational Psychology IOP 3101 X L
Introduction To Painting Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 1106
Introduction to performance skills in dance Diploma In Music Dance And Drama MDD 1108
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering 2 Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production PGP 2104
Introduction to Petroleum Geology 3 Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production PGP 2101
Introduction to Philosophy Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) PHI 1101 X O L
Introduction To Photography Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 1207
Introduction To Photography Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 1115
Introduction to Photojournalism Bachelor Of Mass Communication MCO 2204
INTRODUCTION TO PLANT MICROBIOLOGY Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture CRS 1105 X L
Introduction to Playwriting and Dramatic Literature Diploma In Music Dance And Drama MDD 1206
INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL THOUGHT Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences P0S 1206
Introduction To Printmaking And Illustration Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 1108
Introduction to Psychology Bachelor Of Secretarial Studies SES 1105
INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY Bachelor Of Science With Education PSE 1101
Introduction to Psychology Bachelor of Community Psychology PSY 1101 X O L

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