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Course Listings
Course Titlesort descending Program Code CI TT CV
MICROECONOMICS bachelor of business admnistration ECO 2101
Microeconomics for Surveyors Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics ECO 1107 X O
MICROPROCESSOR BASED SYSTEMS Bachelor Of Science in Electrical Engineering ELE4112
Microscopic Anatomy and Histological Techniques Bachelor Of Biomedical Sciences BBS 3209
Microscopy and Microphotography Bachelor Of Biomedical Laboratory Technology BLT 1103
Microwave and Fibre Optics Bachelor of Science (Physical) PHY3205
MICROWAVE AND FIBRE OPTICS Bachelor Of Science With Education PHY3205
Military History and Conflict Resolution In Africa Since 1870 Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences HIS 2206
Mineral Exploration and Mining Methods Bachelor Of Science in Geological Resourse Management GRM 2102
MINERAL FERTILISER TECHNOLOGY Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture SOS 4102
Mineral Fertilizer Technology Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture SOS 4102 X O L
Mineral Optics 2 Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production PGP 2107
Mineralogy 2 Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production PGP 1101
Minerals of Uganda Bachelor Of Science in Geological Resourse Management GRM 2204
Mini Project In Weaving Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA 3224
Minority Rights Bachelor of Ethics and Human Rights EHR 2205
Mittelstufe I (Language Acquisition) Bachelor Of Secretarial Studies SES 2210
Mittelstufe II (Language Acquisition) Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences GRB 3101
Mobile Software & Content Development Master of Science in Data Communications and Software Engineering MCN 7106
MOBILE AND STATIONARY POWER EQUIPMENT Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Engineering AEN 4106 X L
Mobile and Stationery Power Equipment Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Engineering AEN 4209
Mobile Applications Programming Post Graduate Diploma Data Communications & Software Eng. MCN 7204 X L
Mobile Communications Post Graduate Diploma Data Communications & Software Eng. MCN 7104
MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Bachelor Of Science in Electrical Engineering TEL3213 X O L
Mobile Networks and Computing Bachelor Of Information Technology BIT 3207 X L
Mobile Networks and Computing Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering BSE3106 X L
Modeling and Simulation Bachelor Of Information Systems BIS 3100 X L
Modeling and Simulation Master Of Science In Information Systems MIS 7102
Modelling in Information Systems Bachelor Of Science In Software Engineering BSE2204
Modern Islamic Movements Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) RSD 3107
Modern Management Techniques Master in Public Structure Management PIM 7102 X
Molecular and Biochemical Pharmacology Master of Science In Molecular Biology And Biotechnology MBS 7222
Molecular Biology Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry BCH2203
Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Fundamentals Bachelor Of Biomedical Laboratory Technology BLT 2103
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Masters of Dentistry(Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) MDS 7103

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