Courses Catalogue

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Courses include a description and a summary of the objectives or expected learning outcomes, Course Codes, Credit units and much more. Students should read the complete description of a course because its summary eliminates essential information. Below you can browse courses by their titles

You can use the Course Title (selected by default), Course Code, Credit Units or Level of Study (Graduate or Undergraduate) to arrange the displayed information in ascending or descending order.

(11) | (64) | A (466) | B (182) | C (477) | D (172) | E (377) | F (249) | G (143) | H (173) | I (481) | J (10) | K (38) | L (178) | M (206) | N (79) | O (87) | P (509) | Q (35) | R (284) | S (379) | T (241) | U (36) | V (23) | W (71) | X (1) | Y (1) | Z (1)
Course Title Course Code Credit Unitssort ascending Level Program CI TT CV
Advanced Plant Physiology CRS 7211 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Agro-meteorology GMR 6203 3 Undergradu... Post Graduate Diploma in Meterology
Applied Plant Nematology CRS 7208 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Agronomy of Grasslands CRS 7205 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science
ADVANCED PLANT MICROBIOLOGY CRS 7114 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Soil Science X
Advanced MolecularBiology and Gentics CRS 7118 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Soil Science X
Applied Communication Research GDMC 6105 3 Graduate L... Post Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication
Agricultural Insect Taxonomy and Phylogeny CRS 7110 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Advanced Plant Virology CRS 7201 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Advanced Disease Management CRS 7202 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Crop Science X
Air Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing GEO 2106 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
Agricultural Geography GEO 2206 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
Arid and Semi-arid Ecology GEO 2207 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
Africa in German Texts GRA 3234 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
Advanced News Writing and Reporting Techniques MAJC 7301 3 Graduate L... Master Of Arts In Journalism & Communication
Advanced Editing, Design and Layout MAJC 7313 3 Graduate L... Master Of Arts In Journalism & Communication
Administration and Management of Agricultural Organisations AGE 7104 3 Graduate L... PhD in Agricultural And Rural Innovation
Analysis of Topographic maps URP 1103 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Urban Planning
African True Religion (ATR) RSD 2101 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
Arabic Language I RSD 2110 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
Arabic Language I RSD 2110 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
Arabic Language II (Advanced) RSD 2210 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
Asian Religions RSD 3105 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
African Church History RSD 3204 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
APPLIED STATISTICS/BIOMETRICS (APPLIED STATISTICS) CRS 7101 3 Graduate L... Master of Science in Agric Economics X
APPLIED STATISTICS/BIOMETRICS (APPLIED STATISTICS CRS 7101 3 Graduate L... Master of Science in Agric Economics X
ADVANCED FARM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AEC 7104 3 Graduate L... Master of Science in Agric Economics
ADVANCED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION ECONOMICS AEC 7203 3 Graduate L... Master of Science in Agric Economics
Advanced Agricultural Marketing AEC 7204/CAEC 5131 3 Graduate L... Master of Science in Agric Economics
AGRICULTURAL FINANCE AEC 7206 3 Graduate L... Master of Science in Agric Economics
American Literature LIT 3108 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)
African Cinema LIT 3105 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) X o L
Agro-meteorology GMR 6203 3 3 Graduate L... Postgraduate Diploma In Meteorology
Administration and Management of Agricultural Organisations AGE 7104 3 Graduate L... Doctor of Philosophy In Agricultural and Rural Innovation
Applied Dental Materials DLT 1112 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Dental Technology
African Drama LIT 2207 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Arts)

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