Numerical Analysis |
BSE1201 |
4 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor Of Software Engineering |
Numerical Analysis II |
MTH3102 |
3 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor Of Science (Mathematics) |
JCO 2103 |
3 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor of Journalism and Communication |
X |
o |
L |
Network Application Development |
BSE2201 |
4 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor Of Science In Software Engineering |
Network Application Development |
BSE2201 |
4 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor Of Science In Software Engineering |
Numerical Methods in Meteorology |
MET 2104 |
3 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor of Science in Meteorology |
X |
New World Prehistory |
AHS 1203 |
4 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor of Archaeology and Heritage Studies |
JCO 2203 |
3 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor of Journalism and Communication |
Natural Hazards and their Mitigation |
GRM 2201 |
3 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor Of Science in Geological Resourse Management |
Non –communicable diseases |
BBS 3102 |
5 |
Undergradu... |
Bachelor Of Biomedical Sciences |
Neural Science & Neuro Imaging |
PSY 7131 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master of Medicine In Psychiatry |
Neurosurgical Anatomy |
MMS 7204 |
2 |
Graduate L... |
Master of Medicine (Surgery) |
Neighbourhood Planning and Design |
UPD 7202 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master of Science In Urban Planning and Design |
Nutrition and Feeding Technology in Aquaculture |
WHM 7212 |
2 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Wildlife Health And Management |
MTC 7204 |
2 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Education In Science Education |
Nutritional Biochemistry |
MBC 7206 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Masters of Science in Biochemistry |
Natural Products in Alternative Systems of Medicine |
PCG 8101 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Pharmacognosy |
Natural Resources Project Planning and Management |
F0M 7205 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Agroforestry |
Natural Resource Management |
FOM 7202 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Forestry |
Numerical Weather Prediction |
GMR 6202 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Postgraduate Diploma In Meteorology |
Natural Resource Economics |
FOM 7102 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Forestry |
Natural Product Chemistry |
PCG 7105 |
5 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Pharmacognosy |
Natural Resources Project Planning and Management |
F0M 7205 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Forestry |
Network Performance Evaluation |
MCN 7208 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Post Graduate Diploma Data Communications & Software Eng. |
X |
L |
Nephrology |
MED 7201 |
1 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Medicine (Internal Medicine) |
Network Programming |
MCN 8104 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master of Science in Data Communication and Software Engineering |
MBS 8112 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Business Administration |
Nutrition in Health and Disease |
AHN7102 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Applied Human Nutrition |
Nutrition Education and Advocacy |
AHN 7204 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Applied Human Nutrition |
Nutritional Epidemiology |
AHN 7201 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Applied Human Nutrition |
Nutritional Biochemistry |
AHN 7101 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Applied Human Nutrition |
Natural Resource Management |
FOM 7202 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Agroforestry |
Natural Resource Economics |
FOM 7102 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Agroforestry |
Natural Resources Project Planning and Management |
F0M 7205 |
4 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Agroforestry |
Nutrition in Emergency |
AHN 7210 |
3 |
Graduate L... |
Master Of Science In Food Science And Technology |
Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystem |
SOS 7203 |
3 |
Graduate L... |