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Course Listings
Course Titlesort descending Program Code CI TT CV
Field Attachment II Bachelor Of Science in Agricultural Land Use & Management SSL 2301
Field Attachment1 Bachelor Of Science in Agricultural Land Use & Management SSL 1302
Field Course I Bachelor Of Tourism TOU 1214
Field Course II Bachelor Of Tourism TOU 2217
Field Course, Research Project and Internship Bachelor Of Arts (Arts) GEO 3208
FIELD CROPS DISEASES Bachelor Of Agricultural And Rural Innovation CRS 3201
FIELD CROPS DISEASES Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture CRS 3201 X
FIELD CROPS DISEASES Bachelor Of Science In Horticulture CRS 2211
Field Data Collection Diploma In Civil Engineering and Surveying CES1204
Field Data Collection Diploma In Civil Engineering and Surveying CES1204
Field Data Collection Diploma In Civil Engineering and Surveying CES2104
Field Data Collection (Further Instruments and Methods) Diploma In Civil Engineering and Surveying CES 2204
Field Data Presentation Diploma In Civil Engineering and Surveying CES2201
Field Geology and Surveying Bachelor Of Science in Geological Resourse Management GLO 2201
Field Geology and Surveying 3 Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production PGP 2204
FIELD PLACEMENT Bachelor Of Industrial And Organisational Psychology IOP 2207
Field Planning and Attachment Diploma In Livestock Health Sciences DLQ3301
FIELD STUDY I Master of Pubic Health Disaster Management MDM 7301
FIELD TRAINING Bachelor Of Environmental Health Science EHS 2301
Field Training in Archaeology Bachelor of Archaeology and Heritage Studies AHS 1110
Film/Cinema Project Master of Arts In Literature LIT 3210
Final Year Project Bachelor of Science in Construction Management CMG 3201 X O L
Final Year Project I and II Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics LEC 4201 X O L
Final Year Research Project I&II Bachelor Of Science In Quantity Surveying QUS 4201 X O L
Finance And Banking Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts IFA1204
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Master Of Business Administration MBS 7101
Financial Accounting Bachelor of Science in Construction Management CMG1201 X O L
FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES Master Of Business Administration MBS 8108
Financial Management Master Of Agribusiness Management ABM 7103
Financial Management Master in Public Structure Management PIM 7103 X
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Master Of Business Administration MBS 7102
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Bachelor Of Business Administration COE 2203 X O L
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Bachelor Of Commerce External COX 2206
Financial Management and Development Bachelor Of Development Studies DES 3101
FINANCIAL REPORTING Master Of Business Administration MBS 8103
Finite Element Method Master of Science In Civil Engineering CIV 7255

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