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Courses include a description and a summary of the objectives or expected learning outcomes, Course Codes, Credit units and much more. Students should read the complete description of a course because its summary eliminates essential information. Below you can browse courses by their titles

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(11) | (64) | A (466) | B (182) | C (477) | D (172) | E (377) | F (249) | G (143) | H (173) | I (481) | J (10) | K (38) | L (178) | M (206) | N (79) | O (87) | P (509) | Q (35) | R (284) | S (379) | T (241) | U (36) | V (23) | W (71) | X (1) | Y (1) | Z (1)
Course Title Course Code Credit Unitssort descending Level Program CI TT CV
Audiology and Speech Pathology OTO 7202 3 Graduate L... Master Of Medicine-Ear Nose and Throat
Applied Mycology and Virology BBS 3206 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Biomedical Sciences
ANIMAL NUTRITION ANS 2104 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science in Food Science & Technology X L
Animal Production Practical Skills ANS 1303 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
APPLIED RUMINANT NUTRITION ANS 4201 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
Advanced Food Microbiology FST 7102 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Food Science And Technology
AGROFORESTRY CFE 3109 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
ANIMAL HEALTH AND HYGIENE ANS 3202 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
ANIMAL HEALTH AND HYGIENE ANS 2204 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
ANIMAL FEEDS AND FEEDING ANS 3203 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
AGRICULTURAL BOTANY AND PLANT PHYSIOLOGY CRS 1101 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture X L
AGRICULTURAL STRUCTURES AEN 3207 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Engineering
ANNUAL CROPS AGRONOMY CRS 2102 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture X L
AGRICULTURAL PROCESSING ENGINEERING AEN 3106 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Engineering
Advanced Food Chemistry FST 7101 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Food Science And Technology
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING IN DEVELOPMENT AEN 1108 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Engineering
AGRICULTURAL COMMUNICATION EEE 4102 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
Anatomy & Physiology in Speech and Language Therapy SLT 2105 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy
APPLIED GENERAL MANAGEMENT EMB 7101 3 Graduate L... Executive Master of Business Admnistration
AGRIBUSINESS FINANCE ABM 3204 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Horticulture
AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AEC 3201 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Horticulture
ADULT EDUCATION EEE 4107 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
Advanced Dairy Technology FST 7211 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Food Science And Technology
Agribusiness Production Management ABM 7105 3 Graduate L... Master Of Agribusiness Management
APPLIED SOIL PHYSICS SOS 4201 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture
AGRICULTURAL BOTANY AND PLANT PHYSIOLOGY CRS 1101 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Horticulture X L
AGRIBUSINESS ACCOUNTING ABM 2202 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management
AGRIBUSINESS PRICE ANALYSIS ABM 3101 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management X L
AGRIBUSINESS OPERATIONS RESEARCH ABM 3103 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management X L
AGRIBUSINESS SMALL ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT ABM 3104 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management X L
AGRIBUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND POLICY ABM 3203 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management
AGRIBUSINESS FINANCE ABM 3204 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management
Advanced Community Organising for Quality Primary Health Care FAM 8203 3 Graduate L... Master Of Medicine in Family Medicine & Community Practice
ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES ENR 1102 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Environmental Science X
Accounting and Budgeting FOM 4203 3 Undergradu... Bachelor of Social and Entrepreneurial Forestry
Agriculture and Environment ENR 3107 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Environmental Science


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