Bachelor Of Arts (Music)

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Undergraduate or Graduate Level : Undergraduate Level
Duration of Program : 3 years

About this Program

The program BMUS has no options outside the music field; students who offer this program study only music courses at the University. There are four main strand of the program: 1) Academic Music, which in this program, refers to a more critical and theoretical approach to the appreciation, composition and performance of music and research; 2) Technological Music, which refers to music that is created and performed with the use of technology; 3) Popular Music, which is mass mediated and liked by a groups of people; and 4) Community Music, a term borrowed from community theater to refer to music used beyond the stage performance contexts Popular and Community music are more of a practical experience of music as it is used in the day-to-day life.


Year 2
Semester 1
Course Title Course Codesort ascending Credit Units Level
Philosophy of History PHI 2105 3 Undergraduate Level
Metaphysics and Epistemology PHI 2102 3 Undergraduate Level
Foundations of Jazz Music MUS 2117 4 Undergraduate Level
Foundation of Ugandan Popular Music MUS 2116 3 Undergraduate Level
Advanced Percussion MUS 2115 3 Undergraduate Level
Advanced Keyboard MUS 2113 3 Undergraduate Level
Advanced Voice MUS 2112 3 Undergraduate Level
Advanced Classical Guitar MUS 2111 3 Undergraduate Level
History, Literature and Analysis of Romantic Music MUS 2109 4 Undergraduate Level
Research Methods in Music, Dance and Drama MUS 2108 3 Undergraduate Level
Performing Ethnic Music and Dances from Eastern Uganda MUS 2107 5 Undergraduate Level
Introduction to Writing Inventions and African Songs MUS 2101 4 Undergraduate Level
Music Careers and Business MUS 1108 2 Undergraduate Level
Theory and Practice of Theatre for Development DRF 3108 4 Undergraduate Level
Theory and Practice of Theatre for Development DRF 3108 4 Undergraduate Level
Advanced Contemporary Guitar Advanced Contemporary Guitar 3 Undergraduate Level
Semester 2
Course Title Course Codesort ascending Credit Units Level
Foundations for Community Music MUS 2215 3 Undergraduate Level
Basics for Jazz Improvisation MUS 2214 4 Undergraduate Level
Creating and Performing Rap Music MUS 2213 4 Undergraduate Level
Band Music MUS 2212 3 Undergraduate Level
Chamber/Ensemble Music MUS 2211 3 Undergraduate Level
Basic Skills for Music Archivist MUS 2210 3 Undergraduate Level
Foundations of Atonal Music MUS 2209 4 Undergraduate Level
Basics in Audio Music Recording MUS 2208 4 Undergraduate Level
Performing Ethnic Music and Dances from Northern Uganda MUS 2207 5 Undergraduate Level
Invention and African Song Cycle Writing MUS 2201 4 Undergraduate Level
Advanced Piano MUS 2110 3 Undergraduate Level
Enhanced Musical Language MUS 1217 3 Undergraduate Level
Year 3
Semester 2
Course Title Course Codesort ascending Credit Units Level
Studio Recording and Production Project MUS 3215 3 Undergraduate Level
Popular Music on Stage MUS 3214 3 Undergraduate Level
Community Music Project MUS 3213 3 Undergraduate Level
Managing a Music Business MUS 3212 4 Undergraduate Level
Choir Music Project MUS 3211 3 Undergraduate Level
Graduation Recital MUS 3210 3 Undergraduate Level
Thematic Studies in Ethnomusicology and Dissertation Writing MUS 3209 4 Undergraduate Level
Legal Framework for Performing Arts MUS 3208 3 Undergraduate Level
Music Video Production MUS 3207 5 Undergraduate Level
Fugue and African Song Cycle Project MUS 3201 4 Undergraduate Level
Semester 1
Course Title Course Codesort ascending Credit Units Level
Community Music Sessions MUS 3113 4 Undergraduate Level
Jazz Improvisation and Playing Techniques MUS 3112 4 Undergraduate Level
Basics in Writing Fugues and African Song Cycle MUS 3111 4 Undergraduate Level
History, Literature and Analysis of Serial Music MUS 3110 4 Undergraduate Level
Music in Selected Cultures of Africa MUS 3109 3 Undergraduate Level
Studio Music Production MUS 3108 4 Undergraduate Level
Research ReportWriting and Archival Documentation in Music and Dance MUS 3107 3 Undergraduate Level
Popular Dance Styles DNC 1209 4 Undergraduate Level
Year 1
Semester 1
Course Title Course Codesort ascending Credit Units Level
Introduction to Ethnomusicology MUS 2104 3 Undergraduate Level
Choir Performance MUS 1119 2 Undergraduate Level
Introduction to Song Writing MUS 1118 4 Undergraduate Level
Introduction to Musical Language MUS 1117 4 Undergraduate Level
Percussion for Beginners MUS 1116 3 Undergraduate Level
Contemporary Guitar for Beginners MUS 1115 3 Undergraduate Level
Keyboard for Beginners MUS 1114 3 Undergraduate Level
Voice for Beginners MUS 1113 3 Undergraduate Level
Piano For Beginners MUS 1111 3 Undergraduate Level
Elementary Harmony, Counterpoint, and Ethnic Music Writing MUS 1110 4 Undergraduate Level
History, Literature and Analysis of Baroque Music MUS 1109 4 Undergraduate Level
Performing Ethnic Music and Dances from Western Uganda MUS 1107 5 Undergraduate Level
Semester 2
Course Title Course Codesort ascending Credit Units Level
Enhanced Song Writing MUS 1217 4 Undergraduate Level
Intermediate Percussion MUS 1216 3 Undergraduate Level
Intermediate Contemporary Guitar MUS 1215 3 Undergraduate Level
Intermediate Keyboard MUS 1214 3 Undergraduate Level
Intermediate Voice MUS 1213 3 Undergraduate Level
Intermediate Classical Guitar MUS 1212 3 Undergraduate Level
Intermediate Piano MUS 1211 3 Undergraduate Level
History, Literature and Analysis of Classical Music MUS 1210 4 Undergraduate Level
History, Literature and Analysis of Classical Music MUS 1210 4 Undergraduate Level
Ethnomusicology of Music in Selected Cultures in Uganda MUS 1209 3 Undergraduate Level
Appreciation of World’s Musics MUS 1208 3 Undergraduate Level
Performing Ethnic Music and Dances from Central Uganda MUS 1207 5 Undergraduate Level
Advanced Harmony, Counterpoint and Ethnic Music Writing MUS 1201 4 Undergraduate Level
Classical Guitar For Beginners MUS 1112 3 Undergraduate Level samba porno porno gratis x